THE MIND As much as working out is an exercise for the body and vocalizing is an exercise for the vocal chords, reading is one of the forms of exercising the brain. I may not explain how it works. I leave that to the neurologists, psychiatrists, neurobiologists, and whatever deals with the brain. I just knew and I just believe they are making me equipped in maximizing my brain’s capability. There are times I would find myself slow to respond. Those circumstances arise when I got to shelve the potentials of my brain and just to let my whole understanding float nowhere. In other words, when I wonder nonsensically which is not a good habit. It’s like treating your brain like a pig feeding it with lots of minerals being stuffed with fats all over until it can not move and function anymore. As much as the body muscles need a lot flexing and the vocal chords needs a lot of vocalizing, definitely the brain needs to get its motor running. With this realization, reading in a way becomes...