Traffic Cones on Trees

I was in the lunch area of our office while fixing my coffee when Mike from IT asked me. “Have you gotten bored last holy week?” “What do you mean?” And then he pointed through the window on the tall Pine Tree at the back of the council building. A traffic cone was placed at the tip of it. Most of us who have seen the cone thought it was hilarious. It was the conversation for the day actually. We were informed in the long run that there were same incidents in other locations in town. We figured that these were done by the same guys. Whatever point they were making, they sure were successful in making it the talk of the council. Probably it was something that these guys were proud about. Probably they make a hobby out of it. Or probably they were just bored and needing something to do. They surely put smile on some faces. They surely ain’t gonna put smile to the person who’ll do the job of getting rid of them. Funny but it surely ain’t productive.