When someone would ask what the all-time favourite song of mine is, the first thing that comes to my mind is the song originally sung by Steve Green which was taken from the passage Philippians 1:6. “He who began a good work in you will be faithful to fulfil it.” What is my favourite passage? And my answer is obviously that passage. Why? Every time I get to read the passage or hear that song especially in the times that I’ve been tested, my eyes get to dazzle from a wee bit of moisture. It speaks of God of being so faithful that he will never live you till the end. Once you know through your gifts that God has started something for you to fulfil and you obediently do it, He assures you He will make way for you to fulfil it. You just need to be faithful and steadfast no matter what. Never give in. Never sway even in the midst of being tested. Don’t stoop down to the level of the wicked that make your undertaking a wee bit harder. You know what is true. And it is God-given truth. Hold on...