
Showing posts from September, 2012


Nothing's more fun than doing what people say you can't do! Sometimes being underestimated has the advantage of giving someone something he thought he is never gonna get from you. Sometimes they mock and then BAM it happens right on their face eating every bit of their words. There are also people showing off looking at you for a slight of envy yet all they can get is a blank face. In the first place envy should not be entertained whether you got it or not. A blank face is what they can get especially from people who are trying to be righteous. You know very well that your intellect is being undermined when the answer to your question is somewhat silly and yet the one who answers thinks he got away with it by thinking you are naively convinced. Sometimes I think that I don't look like what I can do. There was a time when I managed to accomplish a big task and the comment that I got was that it was too good to be true. Peer review followed and in the end it's true. ...


When we are truly confident and secure, the opinions of others cannot control us. There are times that I feel crashed and there seem to be no reason to go on. But once I kneel down and listen to the Giver who is saying "Stand up and carry on", even in the midst of feeling that I got nothing to carry on, I go ahead carrying nothing but His Word. My confidence and security are drawn from Him and nothing else.  It is in this situation that I realise He is more than enough. My confidence is not anymore coming from who I am but from who He is to me. The weaker I am the stronger He is in me. There is no reason for me to be insecure for His grace is always at hand. I am confident in Him and whoever says otherwise is irrelevant. Who am I competing against? No one. For I live according to what I am becoming confident about. I am secured in my place because of Him.  I don't need to step on others to rise up because His arm is already pulling me up.


I sit still and make the most of my quiet time. It was Sunday morning .Eventhough I dont feel like I benefit from sitting still I carry on with the endeavour because this is the time I allot to commune with the Devine.  Dryness I recon. Should I exert my effort to be creative in order to water down the dryness of the moment?  Destraction sometimes lingers. What should I prepare for breakfast today?  I am thinking about fried rice. Sorry. The spirit is willing but the tummy is weak. Where are You?  What's the daily reading?  Nothing's happening but my faith which is willing to finish off what seems to be nothing. Though I dont feel any discomfort with the silnce. He's here joining me, I know. Maybe this is what i need: sitting still and be comforted.