Who Knows Me Best
Who am I not to give in to the one who knows me best? He knows the numbers of the strands of my hair. He already knew me before I was born. He knows what’s best for me. He created me in His image and likeness. He has given me gifts. He has given me freedom to exercise these gifts. The reasons of my existence is how I was created and in accordance to the gifts given to me. The only thing that absolutely matters is giving back the favor. The only thing that matters is to submit to Him for He has already plans for me. The plan is in light to how I was perceived when He created me. Who am I in the eyes of the Almighty? What am I in the grand design? Am I fulfilling it right? Am I in the proper place? If I am doing what I am supposed to do for His Glory, I won’t allow anyone to snatch away the achievement for the one that is being snatched is the fulfillment of the work that He has started....