
Showing posts from March, 2013


Who wants to suffer in the first place? You may say that if it ain't for something good you prefer to have a worry-free, careless, fantastic life.  I would rather lie down on the beach than crawling in the wilderness.  Or I prefer to eat a burger over a plate of mashed carrots.  Or I would rather watch TV than mowing.  But there must be something good behind the pain. Sacrificing is making you suffer for a good cause. A lady colligue of mine shaved her whole head in support for the cure of her bff's cancer. She used to sport a fantastic short blond hair sparkling a flyaway on her back neck.  And she was willing to go bald.  She came over my desk bald and all with a money basket. I who has been used to credits did not have cash at that moment but I promised to go over her desk to donate once I got the cash which I did.  Sweet. I mean who would refuse to give money to someone who has deprived herself from looking good to show that she cares and tha...