I finished reading the book Inferno by Dan Brown. In this book, the author’s imagination took him to make Dante’s Divine Comedy the main tool to stir up the story. I had no knowledge about the Divine Comedy until Dan Brown made Inferno. And so because of curiosity I just needed to find out what Divine Comedy is all about. Wikipedia, Goodread, Youtube and Game. Yes there is a game called Dante;s Inferno which is based on the first part of the Divine Comedy. And there was this black and white and no talk film of Dante’s Inferno done in the days of Charlie Chaplin’s time I guess. I watched a bit of it and I got bored and nauseated because the screen was wiggling once and a while and there was no sound – no talk and no music. And my impression was that it was badly made. There was this scene that there were dozens of naked guys sleeping or dead and lying on the ground and there was this one naked guy who raised his head and looked...