One good habit that I want to keep at lunch time is spending time reading or meeting up with Claire at the library which is a few walks from the council. The frequent meeting place is at the library, outdoor in the library garden whenever there is wonderful warm day or indoor on a not so warm day yet occupying a good spot by the huge window overlooking the garden. Sometimes Claire wouldn’t make it but I keep the habit. Another habit that I want a keep is to bring a mug of mocha chino which Claire and I enjoy. Reading by the window is so much amusing yet it becomes more amusing when a glance through the window captures my attention to what’s going on outside in the garden: some colleagues jogging which makes me wonder if I should do the same, a friend who is a mum who takes walk with her baby in a stroller, fellow engineers fixing the rivers, young skateboarders having fish and chips, the yellow leaves in autumn which prompts Claire to ask me to take photos ...