
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 1 Peter 5:6 NLT I found myself more humbled when I found myself helpless and no where to go. I ended up remaining in the deep after I have consumed all of my strength and understanding. That's when I looked up to God. I have nothing but You, Lord but I believe that you are more than i ask for. Weariness creeps in when I try my best and when I find out my best is not enough and when I don't put in the equation that help is at hand. I guess pride is such a notorious blood sucker. It deceivingly puts me in a place where the only way to redemption is my way. Anxeity creeps in as I work my way out and as I work my up and as I work my way to where I think is the milestone for me. Everything is gearing to my control. I made myself the navigator and the thinking machine that controls everything. Why not? I have the skills. I have the talent. Why not use it. That ...