I flew to Rotorua for a job Interview in the District Council. It went well.Rotorua is small town but very famous in attracting many visitors because of its beautiful lakes, Hot Pools, Redwood Forest and giant geysers.Too bad, I did not get to see a single one of them for I only had an hour interview and I got to fly back to Auckland City.Inside the airport, while waiting for my flight back in Auckland City, I ordered a latte in a coffee shop. I couldn't seem to take a sip because I was enjoying looking at the design the waitress made on the froth of my latte.
the latte looks appealing in the picture, but you know what? if it is the real latte i am faced with, i don't know if i will ever consume it. you see, i never had a cup of coffee in my whole life. i really don't know why. i was asking a friend if this is the right time to start drinking coffee, as sometimes i have to work late in the evening till early morning, my friend who is a coffee drinker could not even advise me.
Anyway, yep, I read in reader's digest that drinking 2 cups of coffee a day is good for the heart. :-)