
Showing posts from August, 2008

Don't Stand in The Way

I don’t need to dwell so much on the ill deeds that people has done to me in the past. I don’t need to bring them out always and continue to live with a grudge. Life is happening and if I drag the load of anguish all the time, I am slowing down the pace and I might end out losing the race and not getting the greatness that I deserve. Forgiveness is wonderful healing power. This will just bury the hatchet and continue evolving with what life has to offer. To some people, time is an important factor to heal. Time will heal. Give it some time. But for goodness sake, get out of your bed of bitterness and see the sun rising! Learning from the past is a proactive way to deal with the ordeal. It is a mistake when you let others hurt you. It is stupid when you let others hurt you again. I am moving forward. I want to live a peaceful life. I don’t need that pain. Learning from the past should give me more knowledge to segregate the wheat from the weeds. I have more idea what ki...

Charity Begins at Home

Charity begins at home. I got to look after the welfare of my beloved before I take notice of the needs of others. Looking after anyone’s needs requires being equipped with it. Am I strong enough to carry others’ load? Am I knowledgeable enough to answer others’ questions. Am I mature enough to handle certain issues? My son is still small. He has a long way to go. I have to be equipped for a long time. Taking care of my family is taking care of myself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Once the joy has been established at home and its richness surpasses the essentials , the family should be one to dwell on paying forward beyond home.

What I Used To Play When I was a Kid

I have been hibernating and have been doing well with it. I have not been blogging. I have not involved myself with any activity with whatever Filipino Org we have here in Christchurch. I am successful in detaching myself from any association in my pursuit to dedicate myself with my wife, son and career. Mel from Auckland, an old friend way back when we were still in the Ligaya Community tried to catch up with me through email. He asked me if I already have a support group here. I told him none formally. But I have my family and close family friends who get in touch regularly. I told him I am happy with this setup and I told him I don’t intend to complicate myself in getting tied with certain group and be branded as one of those enemies of the other. When I was a kid, I used to play Kampu-kampo with other kids. Kampu-kampo was a game where two groups owning territorial bases compete with each other by capturing enemies and bringing them in their respective bases. It was phys...