Don't Stand in The Way

I don’t need to dwell so much on the ill deeds that people has done to me in the past. I don’t need to bring them out always and continue to live with a grudge. Life is happening and if I drag the load of anguish all the time, I am slowing down the pace and I might end out losing the race and not getting the greatness that I deserve. Forgiveness is wonderful healing power. This will just bury the hatchet and continue evolving with what life has to offer. To some people, time is an important factor to heal. Time will heal. Give it some time. But for goodness sake, get out of your bed of bitterness and see the sun rising! Learning from the past is a proactive way to deal with the ordeal. It is a mistake when you let others hurt you. It is stupid when you let others hurt you again. I am moving forward. I want to live a peaceful life. I don’t need that pain. Learning from the past should give me more knowledge to segregate the wheat from the weeds. I have more idea what kind of people I should avoid and what kind of people I should stick with. I am doing fine in prioritizing what is essential. I should yell “back off” to anyone who’s gonna prevent me from doing the essential. Back off to those who tend to pull my legs down. Back off to those who drag me to the arena of losers. If you wanna stay there, just don’t drag me there. Back off! I don’t care if some people are bothered when I am living a wonderful life. I don’t have time to nurse their annoyance by losing my greatness and be where they are comfortable. No way! I am gonna go up no matter what they think. My energy is only dedicated to attain my choice of life. My choice is to live a simple and joyful life. Don’t stand in the way.


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