
Showing posts from March, 2011


I first saw the video of Casey fighting back against a bully in school when someone posted it on FB. My first impression would likely that I am more on clinging on the Hero Material of Casey. And then there was the interview with Casey which added up to the image of the boy hero. I have been hesitating on making comments on what I perceived so far till I saw the interview of the bully and his family which is but fair to them who has been demonized a bit from the whole commercialized stories. The network was so descent enough to lay all the cards on the table and let people decide what to pick. The footage shows 12-year-old Richard approaching 16-year-old Casey and then punching him in the face and then 3 or 4 times in the stomach. On the next swing, Casey snapped, grabbed and slammed Richard to the ground like a rag doll. In the interview Casey told that he has been bullied over the past three years. He had once been duct-taped across the eyes and taped to a pole and what have yo...


Bragging is the one that will steal away your greatness. No matter how great you are in a certain field if you rub it in to someone who does not exceed or amount to your capability, your credit begins to be unrecognizable. No matter how excellent you are, if you laugh at others who don’t meet your standard, you won’t receive the praises that are due to you. You may have the prettiest garden in the whole neighbourhood but if you always make foul comments on anybody else’s garden, do not be puzzled if your garden is not well visited or admired. You may be well experienced in building houses or painting a house, but if you mock someone who has no knowledge whatsoever in this field, don’t be puzzled when you don’t receive any recognition on the job well done. You may be expert in computer, but if you ridicule someone who does not even know how to burn a CD, do not wonder why you are still branded as an ordinary geek. You may be the best singer in town but you always ridicule how terr...


I learned when being true will get me to a much more simple way of dealing with things. Being who I am at the moment is just sufficient for me to make it for the day. Being who I am not will just add to a more complex situation. Wanting to be somebody can be a dream and can be achieved by humbly accepting that I am not there yet but I am making the most of the current me to make the step toward it. It’s good to dream to be somebody someday. If it’s gonna mean going through stages, get on with those stages one at a time. No shortcut or else I’ll end up going back to the drawing board once I fall short and fail. Don’t ever claim you are that somebody now when you are still not. That’s not living the dream. That’s faking. You may never know that an expert in the field is laughing at you doing stuff that you are not expert about in which you are claiming you are. Truth will get in you into trouble when you are living with a lie. When you wanna be fraud of something, look at wha...