Bragging is the one that will steal away your greatness. No matter how great you are in a certain field if you rub it in to someone who does not exceed or amount to your capability, your credit begins to be unrecognizable. No matter how excellent you are, if you laugh at others who don’t meet your standard, you won’t receive the praises that are due to you. You may have the prettiest garden in the whole neighbourhood but if you always make foul comments on anybody else’s garden, do not be puzzled if your garden is not well visited or admired. You may be well experienced in building houses or painting a house, but if you mock someone who has no knowledge whatsoever in this field, don’t be puzzled when you don’t receive any recognition on the job well done. You may be expert in computer, but if you ridicule someone who does not even know how to burn a CD, do not wonder why you are still branded as an ordinary geek. You may be the best singer in town but you always ridicule how terrible someone else’s voice is, don’t expect that you’ll get the praises. I remember when I cook a meal for my partner. During dinner, I told her how delicious the dish was. And she commented, “You just can’t wait for me to mention it myself, can you?” Your greatness is not earned by promoting it. Receive the praises as they come. Sometimes we ask, “How was it?” or “Did you like it?” Well, it’s fine. I may consider them humble questions rather than saying “It is awesome, isn’t it?” And the worst is when you blurt “Unlike this guy. He’s terrible!” and you will be down the drain big time. You may be wondering even if you believe that you got what it takes but somehow people don’t acknowledge it. And the only solution that you know in order to be recognized is to show off and even to ditch others. The more that you resort to this manner the more that you lose the recognition and even respect. And so you exert more effort to show off and ditch to get what you want. And still you wonder why. All of us have areas of expertise. It's a matter of how you carry it. I learned that modesty has to be attached to what I am good at in order to win the acknowledgement.


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