I need to catch my breath. I need to pause and just be still for a moment so that I would not be caught up with the whirlwind in the workplace. The best place for me to catch my breath is inside the chapel. And so I dropped by the chapel. Whew! So peaceful. So serene. It is easier here to unload and forget everything and focus on one thing. There is empowerment in silence. I earnestly believe that. Reenergizing is staying still. Silence is effective for me. I don’t know with others. I can have a lot of achievements when done in silence. It is easier to absorb the stuff I read or study in silence. I am more efficient in silence. Music helps once in while as long as the tune makes me peaceful. There are danceable tunes that get me on the groove at the same time provide joy and peace in me.

What’s with silence? I guess because when I am not destructed by any noise, I tend to work inward or to work inside the core. I learned that the core is where God started me. So there muse be purity in the core for it came from a divine hand. In order to find the core is to mute everything that my worldly self appreciate. I guess my core likes silence. I don’t know with others. Does God create different cores? Well. Well. Well.


Anonymous said…
I miss going to the chapel in Cavite. Sometimes the soul really needs to meditate.
jonsaint said…
Nourishing the soul has to be a regular thing, as they say.

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