August Rush

I won’t tell you how wonderful the movie August Rush is. Many people have reviewed it and they are unison in saying “ IT IS A DARN GREAT MOVIE!”. I was watching it with Claire and she continued crying in every significant moment in the movie. Would she think that it was a remarkable movie? Well yeah. She liked it to the point that she rushed to phone Gemma and to tell her how great the movie was while the ending credits were still rolling in the tele screen. Can you beat that? Though some reviews would say it is just a fiction. For me, it’s not a fiction but a hopeful possibility. Anyone is destined to be great for a special reason. The kid was remarkably gifted and he believed that his special gift would draw him closer to his missing parents.
Several touching moments were some of the important ingredients in the movie: Louie chasing Lyla while her father dragged her to his car; teary eyed August while being interviewed in the orphanage; August playing music for the first time; August listening to the church choir; Louise met August in the street not knowing that they were father and son; and of course the ending which I should not tell for the sake of those who haven’t watched it.
I haven’t seen a movie so well written for long time until I saw this. I must admit that I am an enthusiast of movie phrases that would touch the essence of my being.
Here are some of the phrases that I caught in the movie.
(The Wizard played by Robin Williams discovered the unbelievable talent of the boy in music. He was telling him that he’s bigger than playing in the street. They were trying to come up with the boy’s name.)
Wizard: What do you want to be in the world? I mean the whole world. What do you want to be? Close your eyes and think about that.
August Rush: Found.
(Unknown to Louis and August that they were father and son while Louise saw August playing in the street. They played music and chatted. August mentioned that he was about to have a concert sponsored by the prominent Julliard School of Music but he backed out in the last minute because he was not taking the risk of being discovered as the orphan who escaped. Louis said that if he would be playing in that prestigious concert, he would not pass the chance. August asked what he should do.)
Louis Connelly: [Louis explaining not giving up music to August] You never quit on your music. No matter what happens. Cuz anytime something bad happens to you, that's the one place you can escape to and just let it go. I learned it the hard way. And anyway, look at me. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You gotta have a little faith.
I must admit that the movie August Rush belongs to my list of Greatest Movies. Thanks to Dom and Gemma who shared this movie to us.