Away from Her

Grant and Fiona, characters from the movie Away from Her, were so in love with each other and has shared their dearly affections for more than 50 years until Fiona was stricken by Alzheimer disease which made her to separate from Grant in a Nursing Institution. To show his undying love, Grant never seized to visit her regularly. This plot is similar to the plot of the film the Notebook: their everlasting love is cut short when the lady forgets. However in the movie Away from Her, Grant’s heart was twitched a little harder when the forgetful Fiona fell in love with a co-patient, a wheelchair bound mute. Realising that her affection to the other guy was what kept her intact, Grant with his unselfish love kept on visiting Fiona and kept on watching her from afar while she nurtured her affection to the other guy even though the only heaven that Grant could get from this setup is knowing that she wouldn’t deteriorate which will lead to a possibility that she can get a glimpse of what she was with Grant.