The other night, Da Vinci Code was shown in TV2. I did not watch the whole film that night for the reason that I have read and watched it for how many times. But I got to watch the first minutes of the Louvre Scene. I was not in it for the indulgence of the gruesome murder of Jacques Sauniere or the clues within the Da Vinci’s paintings but the gratification on bringing reminiscences on my fantastic journey inside the Louvre. There are so many remarkable places in Paris. Louvre is definitely one of them. The Louvre, the palace full of famous artworks is so huge that it will take the whole day touring inside. One of the main attractions was the famous Mona Lisa. I was advised to go straight to where Mona Lisa Painting was before I ran out of time seeing it. And so that was the plan. There were arrow signs pointing to where Mona Lisa was and that made the whole endeavor much easier. But it was not as easy as I thought it would be when I kept on being held back by other enticing artworks on the way. As much as I wanted to hurry up, the haunting and mesmerizing artworks seemed like moving and speaking to me to just be still and to absorb them. But I needed to be strong and to stay focus for the sake of the one-in-a-million smile. I got to see Mona Lisa. And Lo and behold……Click! Of course I took pictures like the other visitors did. On my way out, I tried to consume as much artworks as I could the rest of the Louvre time. I may not know most of the names of the masterpieces, I may not have a good idea how most of them became famous, I may not be a huge fan, but the tour inside the Louvre would just forget who you are or where you are coming from for few hours as you are consumed by the wonderful works inside the Louvre.