Ipod, Facebook, Trade Me and Zombies

I am always caught with the lifestyle which relies on the modern technology no matter I say to myself that I want to keep my life simple. I am always fascinated on how to get things done faster in one push of a button. You may say, it makes life easier. No sweat. O yeah? But, hey, the more you see yourself able to do one quickly the more you think of other things to do and the more you multi-task. You think that this is how you can get ahead. The equation gets more and more complicated. And then you find yourself doing juggling act with a whole lot of activities. Well as long as I can handle it, you say. Phew. Peace of cake. Well, just like a peace of cake, your juggling act eats out some aspects in your balance mind, body and soul. Sounds deep eigh? Well the rationality is that if you found something wrong on the surface, you gotta go deeper to find the root. So what’s wrong with harried and busy lifestyle? Nothing’s wrong as long as you wouldn’t notice that you are already in a mental bubble: plugged in to Ipods, texting ‘till you drop, glued to facebook, checking your watch list in Trade Me or Ebay as an add-on to the much more necessary activities. You began to compromise the much more intended activity at the moment for what you like doing: you miss exercise or you decrease your hours of sleep. And then you wake in the morning like a zombie: too soon out of bed with too much on your mind and too much baggage to keep an eye on. Too much out of focus finds it difficult for you to squish in time to smell the daisies. I remember one story in Africa. An explorer and his African helpers who were carrying all his heavy stuff were trekking too fast in the jungle when all of a sudden all the African helpers stopped in middle. The explorer asked why they stopped when he did not tell them to stop. One panting African helper said, “We need our soul to catch up.” Maybe our life is too fast that our souls are way behind us. Or maybe you lost your soul. Isn’t that Zombies have no souls. I believe so.