You! Yes You!

If you get to check on my previous blogs, I have written about some serious wickedness of people such as credit grabbing, slandering, being “intregera”, lying or simply being assholes. And what’s remarkable is that there were really people who got caught being guilty about these impieties. I mean do they have to react when I had been very careful not to point fingers in my blog? Some people are really naively transparent. And when the impulse already kicked through, ooops! Got yeah!

There is an advantage being underestimated. I mean people would try to do nasty things in subtle way not knowing that I am not dumb to figure that. I’d say that I am less naïve about evil manoeuvres. I wasn’t born yesterday. I felt sorry about this people who keep on doing these nasty antics without them knowing that they already blew their cover. Washing hands is their best move in order not to be totally suspected.

A friend of mine wrote on her FB wall, “You can stab me behind my back all you want; your efforts will be futile. For I walk and talk with my God behind me, in front of me and in all of me!” I get to be at peace with my God as long as I always please my God and every walk I take. As long as I do my best with the gifts God gave me, you can never put a good man down. I know the reason I am here. It is obvious with what has been entrusted to me. People who try to crash what I am designed for will be accountable to the Ultimate Designer. I am on the right side. Or I am trying to be.

I pray that people would learn to uplift each other and not the other way around. True friends whom I treasure the most are those who try to outdo in uplifting one another. Thank God my family still keeps a couple of them and we still in contact with them whenever possible.

Do you know what it means to be uplifting? I can define it profoundly. But I will just put it simply. If you find yourself having a heavy heart after talking to someone who criticizes and downgrades frequently, that is the opposite. What a shame when you realize this ironically.


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