What is a coin artist?” asked the Chinese who is trying to learn English for the first time.

“I never heard of it”, I replied somewhat puzzled by the question. “What I’ve heard of is a con artist?”

“Yeah. That’s the one.”

“It is someone who plays tricks on you so that he gets money or anything he wants from you.”

“O, Those people on the street.”

“Yeah. Yeah”

“Street performers”

“Noih! They are like robbers who play tricks in order to lure you.”

Come to think of it!! Hmmm. They’re not just on the streets. People use people all the time in order to get what they want. They are being extra nice to you in order to win their trust and then “Bammm!” they got something that you’ve lost. There were number of occasions that people have stolen credits from me especially in the past when I was just a bit naive. Posters that I painted, songs that I composed, dances that I choreographed, plays that I have written which I wouldn’t careless if I wouldn’t be recognised because I was playing the humility act. Now that I am less naïve and gutsier with whoever will con me, I can see that people are still conning me. Sometimes I let it pass and just shake my head, tsk, tsk, tsk. How different are they from the con artists? I don’t see any. . I have faith in The Truth. When the truth strikes, it badly hurts.

Con artists not only steal possessions but also the goodwill in everyone. In this case, I guess most people nowadays think that there is no such thing as being sincerely helpful. When a wife is being extra nice, the husband would immediately responds, “What do you want?” A gentleman who offers his service is being suspected and one may surmise that maybe he needs free dinner. “Nothing is free anymore” is becoming popular phrase. How pathetic can you get?

How can we revive the sincerity of goodwill? This may be a difficult task when everybody thinks that there is a prize to pay in anything and when everybody thinks that there are lots of con artists around. The danger is when everyone begins to believe that it’s better to con than to be conned.

Do you have to categorize the people you are being helpful with? How does being sincerely helpful become noble and how does it become stupid? It depends on who’s gonna measure it.

A charitable institution may say, “Help those who are in need.”

A friend may say,” As long as he/she is a friend.”

Mothers may say,” Charity begins at home.”

A sceptic may say, “Don’t trust any one”.

Does God measures the nobility of being sincerely helpful?

I imagine being sincerely helpful is always noble in God’s eyes.

Con artists in and out of the streets are being measured as being always stupid.


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