Carry On Evolving

One of the reasons why one has difficulty to change for the better is people make it difficult for them. People’s minds somehow do not want to shift from the past knowledge about the person to a revitalized person. No matter how an ex-convict has been renewed, some companies are hesitant to hire someone like him. No matter how the person has realized his past mistakes and how he tries to start anew, some people already branded him a bad boy and they will treat him that way. “Stop treating me as a womanizer, I am family man for goodness sake. Stop offering me a smoke, I am quitting. Stop thinking that I am bum; I have a descent 8-hour job. Stop mentioning to others that I am temperamental, I am learning to control it now.” It is easier to change when people would support the change. The more the information about your old self has spread the more difficult it is to expect support from others in establishing your new you. You may want to move to another place, leave your rubbish behind and start anew with a clean slate. However people who knew you can bring your rubbish in your new place. “Hey you forgot your temper. Here!” The opportunity to have a public declaration of your intention to change is rare and even then, it is not an assurance that people will dig it once you’re given a chance. To carry on is to expect no support. No matter what they think, get out of your cocoon and flap those wings. The shifting of people’s mind won’t happen when you have not proven anything. The shifting happens when the result is evident. “You won’t convince me overnight. You’re still the nerdy and clumsy boy in school I knew.” Let them think what they want. Carry on evolving.


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