In my past blog I have said that I began to appreciate small conversation with chatty strangers whom I come across in different places. The reason why small conversations with strangers might turn out to be good is perhaps that there is a minimal amount of knowledge of each other and most likely the topic would be limited to things, events and basic infos.  At least it would start that way until the nasty stuff might kick in such as people bashing. But before it happened, time is running out and both of you need to go on with your own separate ways. And you parted happy.

I began to realise that if I would just see the person I am talking with in a perspective of what I see him/her now and not he/she was before or what unreliable others say about him/her, the conversation between us might be interestingly good. The Now is the gauge to measure, not the Then and most likely not the Next. If the Now personality is still as bad as you fairly perceive, bail out before. It is a waste of time and energy.

But bailing out is sometimes not as easy as you think it should be. Sometimes you don't know when you're gonna get hit. And sometimes it is quick and in the right cue when you don't know how to react in slight instance.

There was one time; an old friend of mine from a former group introduced me to an interesting person who was intentionally rude as if I’ve done something wrong to him.  I don't know. I met this guy for the first time and the first word that came to his mouth is a sly remark. What a start! Instead of saying " Nice to meet you." or "How are you?", with a cringe in his face "Why blah blah? " As if I owe him an explanation on how I ended up to be. And then I got a feeling he did not believe half of what I am saying as if he had already pre-established notion about me.

“Yes. I am an engineer in the council".

"U-ha. U-ha. U-ha. O yeah. I know someone who ended up in different career to what he used to be too."

Ha? I did not exactly get that. Did I say I am an accountant or a policeman or a professional musician? Almost all my career life I have been in the same profession. I gotta get outa here.

I think the safest response to the subtle social attack is to smile and, as the bible says, count to ten. Then I would know what sensible thing to do. And in most cases, bailing out is the best way. It's not worth it.

I have permanently bailed out a number of times in many years from being totally disgraced in some groups that I have been with. Over the years, sometimes I forget the reasons why I left. Thinking maybe the coast is clear I tried to be reunited with my past and there you go....Bham! Here goes the rudeness, the crabbing and judgmental. . Sometimes going back helped me remember why I left. It is ironic when I think of the reason why.

Where I am now is a blessing. A big leap to a different environment has given me a change to start all over again with a clean slate. And with God's grace, I have risen anew. The gift that God has given me are put to practice again. But this time I am more equipped to take care of them. Never again I would let others take the gift from me. He who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it.  Anyone who tends to block the progress of my achievement in putting what God has entrusted me in good use is simply blocking the consequence of God’s Work. May God help me. May God Reign.


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