Quality Time with Quality People
I want to consume only good things as much as possible so that what come out of me will only be good. May God help me. I know it's hard with what the world can offer now. The setback of having instant access with anything by means of technology makes us more vulnerable. It's easy for us to blame the world for having been caught with fire but there is also the freedom of choice in the first place. Yet this freedom is out of context when the world has been blown out of proportion. But I believe that it's never too late. I can start exercising my freedom again. Bit by bit I will escape the slavery of worldly things. May God help me. It's time to round up my choice. For instance, rounding up with whom I’ll get acquainted most of the time. In order for me to gain maturity, i need to be closed to those who are mature. It's not that I despise those who are less mature; it's simply part of growing to belong to those whom you want to relate with. It's like in a primary school. I am done with Grade 1; I need to move on to Grade 2. Is it a selfish act? No. I am just fulfilling whatever destiny God designed for me- to be a better person. To be a better person is to be more equipped to love. In order to love more i choose to consume what's best for me. Maturity does not come with age. It does not necessarily come with education. It is deceiving sometimes. He may have a degree with so and so and yet he is as childish as ever. He may have the looks of a respectable person but insecure about others who excel. So how do I find mature friends to keep? One way of finding them first and foremost is that I don't need to keep them. There'll just be there for me. Being mature is not easily swaying from one belief to another by mere hearsay. If a friend becomes aloof all of a sudden because he has heard and has believed hearsay, let him slip away because you know exactly what he is less about. No matter how high the level of maturity we have there are moments when our immaturities kick in. We are only human who slip once in a while with our old younger self. But as long as you have the desire to go back on the track of maturity that's how you truly be defined. Your choice defines you. There may be few who would remain in your circle in the process of segregation. I would rather have few mature individuals who shares uplifting gestures than a hundred people who tend to destroy each other. Spend quality time with quality people.