I was having my lunch one day with other colleagues in the council.  I had my “pancit” (A quick-to-cook noodle) which a leftover food on my bday celeb last Sunday and two my colleagues in front of me were having instant noodles with all the opened sachets on the table.


I asked, “Did you cook the noodle just in the microwave oven?”


“Yes”, said one of my colleagues, “it was a lazy thing to do.”


“Yeah and some of it popped out and made a big mess inside the oven”, commented the other colleague.


“That is not true,” he objected.  “I have been working on being tidy and organised for a long time and I think I become good at it.  And hearing one comment like that makes everything about me different and my achievement all gone.”


At that moment, I froze.  And then it made me ponder about the power of words.  One word in an instant can change a hundred years of facts.  A word can make a difference.  A word is very powerful that it can be used in a good and a bad way.  Yet the strength of the word also relies on how wise the receivers are.  A wise man cannot believe a word that is not true or that is not reliable.  “I don’t think what you are saying about him being irresponsible is not true because I have seen how he works” Most likely the one that is been victimised by “Bad Word” are those who are vulnerable and gullible.  They are the one who listens and hurriedly decides.  “Really? In that case, I don’t think I should associate myself with that person.”  And so relationships ruined.


We are all gullible and vulnerable one way or another in some stage.  Sometimes we find ourselves in an unguarded moment and being deceived.  And that’s when the deceiver gets the opportunity.  Eve was fooled by the serpent believing that once she eats the forbidden fruit she would surpass the greatness of the master.  We are like Eve being deluded by a serpent through our weaknesses that makes us vulnerable and gullible.  At least I know sometimes I am Eve because I would not like to be the serpent that deceives.  And I know people who play the serpent’s role and they become good at it. 


I have learned that it’s better to have a good character than to have a good personality.  But in most cases a having good character supplies a good personality.  What makes a good character?  Principle centred person possess good character.  One who never wavers for what he believes in.  One must be almost or all the time consistent to being honest and truthful.  Important decisions must rely on the consistency of his good character.  One that can be trusted.  One who is faithful to the truth even when it hurts for a while.  Sometimes a man with a good character may fall but since the core value is always there it is assured that he’s gonna jump right back on the right track.


I got a story that sums up like this: The enemy cannot attack the Master.  And so the enemy deceives his gullible Children to attack the Master.  Which character do you associate yourself with?  The serpent, the gullible children or the wise Master?


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