I usually want to wake up as early as I can have an alone time when there is peace and quiet. I think I belong to the species where their source of strength is in the silence of the heart. I know lots of people who find energy in loudness. Like they find being too quiet is such a boring and depleting. I reckon that this is true mostly to young ones. I could not reason out that I am in my grand age. Because when I was younger I find that being quiet is the most productive moment. I tried to go to the loudness side of the force once but it does not work for me. It drains me. I figured this out a long time ago when I find myself reading books fast when I wake up in the early morning when everybody is still asleep. There is power in silence. Physical strength is not what I am talking about here. It is more on the mind and soul power.

There are books that say that there is power in silence. Meditation is one way of rejuvenation of the soul and it can only be done in the silence of the heart. Silence of the heart may be different from surrounding silence. You maybe in a loud environment and still you may have the skills to silence your heart and be at peace. That is definitely a skill and it can be mastered in constant meditation. Once mastered, you have found your way in the eye of the storm. In the movie "Into The Storm", the storm chasers were caught in the eye of the Giant Tornado. And there they found the silence. Nothing. Silence in the midst of loudness and destructive tornado. All it takes is to be in the center and you will find peace. 

I never mastered completely to obtain peace in the midst of loud surrounding or commotion or stressful situation.  Same with many people.  And that is why we need quiet time to let our soul surface and breath.  There are verses in the Bible that say we oath to take care of our soul more than the flesh.

Galatians 5:16-17 NIV
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.

Silence of the heart can be inspired by beautiful nature: the sound of the rustling leaves in the forest, the waves of the ocean. It can be good music which you know your spirit is conducive with.

Soul is where we can commune with Supreme Spirit and not flesh.  Our soul is more significant than our body because the soul is who we really are. Mr Dyer says in his meditation audio that we are not bodies with spirits but we are spirits with bodies. That is true human. If we can only find our way to think in our innermost core, we may find peace.  Our innermost core is what we truly are.


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