I accept the fact that I cannot stop people from contributing to the fall of mankind. I should stop ranting at people who do bad things to good people. These are people who have so many wicked ways under their sleeves whose mission is to annihilate the good guys specially those who are getting in their way in serving their self-centred ego. In my mind I thought they should not do that and it’s wrong. Now I have a clearer understanding that our minds wired differently. It seems that they don’t care if they are certified a-holes in the site of whoever has the right senses.

I guess I was brought up differently valuing more on giving and find happiness in it rather receiving, focusing more on what I can do and how I can harness it and finding achievement in working on a task rather than claiming credits on what I did not work on. People on the opposite extreme of me may not understand my concept of happiness, focus and achievement and may find it odd for the reason that they are rewired differently. They may find that I am a loser which I think I am not because I believe I am always a winner based on my personal concept. I am sorry to say that I find people who live out by trashing others to succeed the real disgraceful losers at least according to my own valued concept and principles. I am not perfect and sometimes I fall on the lure of the opposite side yet I still value my true north which helps me track back my real home. I understand that I am not the only one on the basis of the response of LIKES of my valued ideologies I posted in Facebook. I surmise that there are people who agree with me and in one way or another want to follow the same values.

I have no power to change people whose source of achievement is stepping on others at all cost unless there is a divine intervention and so I pray. I cannot join their game because it is not my kind of game which I know I will always lose. I am no competition with anyone. I only focus on what I do and how I do best. Yet there are people whose mind-set is to watch every move I make as if I am part of the competition. While I am doing what is right there they are doing all sorts of wrong around me. No I am not in the competition. I would like to say that in their face over and over again. But I refrain from doing that. Because even with a megaphone, announcing it irritatingly would not do good because their minds are set that life is always a game and everybody who is getting in their way is an opponent.

If there is a game of life that I would like to join, I would like to join where people are outdoing one another to do good, enjoying one another’s company, seeing the best in people, without envy, without malice, without any cynical view at work.

No, I am over the game of analysing every move of the malicious. It robs me from doing what is right and what is essential. The value of having an optimistic outlook goes beyond winning. The real triumph is in the day to day satisfaction that comes with feeling that you are living the right way for yourself and for others.


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