Another Month is soon to end the the most exciting month is ahead. That is what I look forward.

Cruelty is still around the corner. I don't know how to correct it. But somehow it corrects on its own and another nuisance coming forward. It never ends. Though most of the time it's a waste time worrying about them. God is dealing with it. But it is very important that I Listen to the guidance of the Lord for there may have action to take. Prayer is powerful tool and It has been a number of times that it works in an amazing way.

Holy Spirit, You are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. I like that line in the song. May the Holy Spirit fill with love, comfort and joy.

I need to be reflective in every reading that I read. That way, it will embed more to my mind and soul.  Most of what I have read is forgotten in a way. Or it is already in my heart. It is just that I can not express them explicitly most of the time.

Deadline is up at work. There are people in my midst who are up to no good. I am surrounded by wolves and it seems that it is the reality in everywhere I go. When in this going to end? I tried to do my best of it. My best effort is a bother to someone. I can't understand the thinking of many people. But then it's their thinking not mine. But their thinking can be transformed to action and then destruction. The ball is in their hand and they are too many. They want to project what they want to project but they are ruining the truth. Where am I at this moment? I would like to rest my head on My Lord's feet and seek guidance and strength.


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