Small Chat

How are you?
How was your holiday?How was your weekend?
How are you?
Fine thank you. And you?
Nice Weather.
Did you have a good weekend?
Small Chat. Small chat. Blek! Sometimes i feel that way. Can we just stop here with the small chat? I just want to get a mug a coffee from the coffee machine and i want to get back quickly to my working space. I got lots of things to do. Sometimes i don't feel talking and it feels awkward to pretend i am interested with what he is saying and to pretend that I know that he is interested with I am saying.
It takes few seconds or minutes to bump with someone and to start a small chat. Is it part of of the norm, culture? Or maybe a lot people get it why they are doing it. Maybe if i would know how I can use small chat to my benefit, it would not be so dreadful about the whole drill.
And then I realize small chat is a worthwhile drill. Lol.
Good first impression.
Small chat can be a good ground to make a good impression. I could use the whole moment to put my best foot forward when meeting someone influential at the corridor. Smile and be polite even to stranger whom you would get to know to be someone potential to help you in times of need. Good impression is not bad to pull out of your pocket and fire on to whomever you are having a small chat with. It will be good tool to boost your career.
Build relationship
It can lead to discover something interesting about a person that can blossom to a long lasting relationship. You and the person might have something in common: you went to the same university; you have been watching the same Netflix series; you may be distant cousins for all you know.
No matter how I put it, small chat is a gesture of respect to the person and how they respect you. Stopping over to spend few seconds in the corridor is a sign that you acknowledge him as a human being and vice versa. That alone has improved my perspective of small chatting.
How to small chat
Initiating the small chat with talking about the weather may be cliche but it works sometimes.
Complimenting is another area you can work with but there may be a different connotation when throwing it to the opposite gender. If you compliment, test the water first. It would be worthwhile to get to know their personalities a bit more and what level of relationship you have with them. The context of compliments you fire on to someone you already have bonded in the past may be different to someone you barely knew.
No guarantee
Overall the context of what you throw in small chat can go in many direction. It can go very well and win a friend or it can go haywire. No matter how you put your best foot forward you still can't control the mind of someone who sees your moves. Your motives maybe genuinely positive but anything goes to the interpretation.
Small chat can be a tool to win. But i don't expect anything out of it. I am doing out of respect to the person I am chatting with. That makes me a better person and it does not matter if they don't look at it that way.
In the song "Anyway' by Martina McBride
"You can love someone with all your heart
For all the right reasons
In a moment they can choose to walk away
Love 'em anyway"