I haven’t used this blog site for a long time because I was too consumed by the worldwide whim with FB. It is always in my first agenda when I flip open my laptop, to visit FB. In fact because it was on the agenda’s first list I already put it in my home page tab in the internet options which is used to be Yahoo. It is Outrageous. It is a good thing I did not go as far as cultivating digital crops, joining a Mafia, or whatever I may have to spend time with. Thank God. I agree that it has some drawbacks. I always had intention to visit as much as many site as possible and to blog in my limited time in the evening but for some reason I always ended stuck with FB and by the time I was done with it, it was time to sleep. And what am I consuming time with in FB? Checking out some comments what I previously posted and commenting with them. Checking out and commenting with some photos, videos, wall comments, links of others. It sounds like a simple task but because there are too many of them you would not realise that it has consume all of your internet time. And before I knew it, no time for blogging, no time for TradeMe. YouTube may be a lot different because it is the most famous site to link with FB. I am so delighted that FB allowed me to get in touch to grade school buddies and long lost best friends. It creates a gateway to once perceived to be unreachable. FB becomes an initiation for reunions and get-togethers. Maybe this is the reason why it is so addicting. It has full of surprises. And I guess human species are keen for surprises. No wonder why we need to get gifts to be wrapped. What’s the fuzz? You get to unwrap it anyway? Surprises in FB come as delight and as dissatisfaction. Shocks! I was tagged again to another freakin’ photo of me in High School! Whow! When did this horrifying candid shot taken? This goes to show that the frequent visit to FB is not only for the reason that I wanna see more interesting stuff but I get to deal with the high maintenance of quality control. Photos to keep and photos to un-tag. And so that’s how I stick with FB. Would I be willing to kill my FB account and get a real life? Naah. But I will promise myself not to be consumed by it and use the internet in doing equally interesting stuffs like serious blogging. And why should I point the finger at FB for my blogging adequacy? Maybe I just need a cheer to stimulate me to blog.


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